Cuaba tradicionales

Cuaba is a special, and relatively new brand in the Habanos profile.  It is classified under “Specialty brand”, and the cigar portfolio consists almost exclusively of double figurados.  This distinctive shape was very popular in the late 1800s, and was revived by Habanos in 1996 at the Romeo y Julieta factory when they introduced the Cuaba brand.  Cuaba, like Cohiba, is a Taino Indian word dating back to the time of Columbus.  It was the name they used for a highly combustible bush.

The Tradicionales in have in hand is from an early production of 1998.  I had the luck of having a full box of these from when my trips to Havana began.  it has been aging ever since, and although it is not the first one i enjoy, it will be the first time I take notes on the vitola.  Each time I share one of these Tradicionales with a friend, I always get the same comment; “this cigar is tight!”  So far, my guests and I have not been disappointed.  Older cigars tend to get tighter, but draw really evenly and nicely if properly aged.


BOX DATE: 1998

SIZE:  42 X 4.7 inches.

FACTORY NAME:  Favoritos (not to be confused with the Quintero cigar, called Favoritos)

PAIRING:  I remember the cigar being mild, but rich with flavor.  So the pairing is a “Kicking Horse – Grizzly Paw” espresso / machiatto.


1st part.

The wonderful flavor of roasted almonds is tasted right from the first few puffs.  It is actually stronger than expected.

2nd part.

Let’s keep in mind that this is a short cigar, hence, the briefness of each part.  The strength has diminished, the taste is sweet, and reminding me of a lemon zest sponge cake.  I am picking up more notes of nuts and walnuts.  The pairing with this espresso is working nicely.  A whisky might have been too overpowering for this delicate bunch of tobacco leaves.

3rd part.

The last 3rd of the cigar is finishing off medium to strong with the flavors in full force.


Overall, the construction was perfect, the burn was even and I never had to relight it despite it being quite tight.  The flavors were very pronounced and considering the small size, there was a fair amount of evolution throughout.  If you have the choice between a recent production box, and an aged box of Cuaba, this is a no contest, go with age.

Rating:  A solid 8 on 10.

Suggested pairing:

We should not pair with anything to strong, this Cuaba will not be tasted and appreciated to it’s fullest.  An espresso or cappuccino.  A classic daiquari or champagne would also pair nicely picking up the sweetness of the cigar.
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